An unreached peoples initiative.



The north-westernmost province of China, Xinjiang, holds nearly a million and a half Kazakh people, the same people group that can be found in Kazakhstan. Being inside China, they are completely isolated from the rest of the Kazakh population. Traditionally they are a nomadic people group, though since the 1950’s they have been required to abandon their traditional lifestyle.

Along with their international brethren, they are a Muslim people. However, their Islamic base is mixed with numerous practices and rituals incorporating folk religion, animism, and shamanism. For example, when a horse in their community dies, they hang the head from a high tree branch as a means of bringing luck to the family.

In their language the Kazakh name means “man without a master.” Their language is very consistent even though spread over large distances. So even those who reside in different countries are often able to understand one another.

Both political and geographic barriers make access to the Kazakhs in China very difficult. It’s reported that there was a church planted among them and some saved, but it’s difficult to confirm any of the reports today.

There are several resources in the Kazakh language, but little to no way to minister to them directly. It will take supernatural intervention to place a worker of any kind among the Kazakh of China.